Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Universal Theory of Everything

Over the past 4 months, as I've bitched and purged on this blog, I've had time to reflect on what it is that makes living in Holland - and dealing with Dutch people - so crucifyingly and unredeemingly awful. I've obsessed over various issues and behaviours, trying to make sense of it all. Little did I suspect that there could be one unifying theory that could unite all of Holland's and the Dutchies' shortcomings in one, simple equation?

But I think I've come up with the answer.

Lack of confidence.

It doesn't seem profound or particularly insightful - but when you examine things a bit more closely, you can see that the one constant in all Dutchies' behaviour stems from a deap-seated lack of confidence.

Certainly, there are many causes for and effects of this situation. But the constant throughout is the innate absence of self-belief and confidence.

You don't believe me? Think of the things in your life that you're not confident about. Driving; anything to do with science, electricity or numbers; your ability to control your drinking at an office party and calling your boss by his secret nickname? Or are they just my issues?

Anyhow, think of your behaviour when you're confronted with someone, or a situation, with which you're not confident. Are you at your wittiest? Your friendliest? Your most magnanimous or charming? Typically, no. Instead, you run between aggressive ("that is not poshibolll"), or silent (shrug shoulders, or point), or trying evasive action ("that will take too much time"), or trying to avoid the situation completely ("that ish not my ressshponnshibility!!").

And think of the things that make you feel not confident. A lack of knowledge or familiarty; feelings of inadequacy; previous disappointments in life. Given the state of Dutch educational standards; the provincialism; the lack of interest in learning or experiencing new things, it's easy to see how rare it is for a Dutch person to feel truly confident.

In fact, though it surprises me to admit it, I have met a handful of open, competent, regular Dutch people during my year here. But without exception, they have all lived abroad and have completed (at least) third level education. Their decision to get out of their comfort zone, and look outside the province, has made them happier, and ultimately, more confident.

So, when you put all of this together, I guess I have worked through my hostility and now just feel a bit sorry for the poor Dutchies and their limited expectations and attitude.

This realisation, coupled with the fact that I am leaving Holland permanently in the New Year, means that now seems a good time to finish this blog. I've worked through my issues. Thanks to anyone who read this and enjoyed it.

Dooooooooooooook! Oy! Oy!


Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed this blog so much! Best of luck to you for the future.

Anonymous said...

Good luck in the future and thanks for providing some good laughs....

Anonymous said...

No no no - you CAN'T leave. This blog has been the most enlightening and amusing thing that I have come across in the Nether-regions. For Pete's sake think of the ones you leave behind - have you no compassion? Every day at work I eagerly await another posting from you - it's kept me going through many a grey, boring and frustrating day in this grey and dismal hinterland. But if you must leave, spare a thought for us like minded people who are left in this swamp with the daily feeling of walking through mud - backwards.

Best of luck for the future. Sob.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the great blog, man! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Wherever you go to live next, you will find that living in Holland has enriched your life: you'll wake up every day knowing that no matter how bad things are, they could be worse - you could still be in The Swamp.

From a fellow inmate ( who seems to have received a much longer sentence ), I hope that you stay on the straight and narrow, and never find yourself thrown back into this cheese-obsessed hell-hole again.

Dooooooooooooooooooooooook!! Oy!! Oy!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't go....:-((((

Anonymous said...

sorry but happy for you that you're leaving. Thank you for the entertainment you provided by putting into words exactly what I've felt when dealing with the dutch!! Will miss your funny stories; whenever I feel like thumping a cloggie in the face out of total frustration I think of these stories and then I can (sort of) laugh it off instead.
Good luck to you

Anonymous said...

What can I say....?

First of all Thank You for making us realise that we are not alone with our feelings. For the laughs we had. For the words to describe what we are going through. You have quite a big fan community here. If you ever take the tram in The Hague and you hear some blokes randomly shouting "It'sh not poshible!" you will know, they are the ones you left behind.

All the best, good luck! We'll miss you and "words will not help you".

Anonymous said...

It took me much less time to find what the problem is --- YOU!
What is the common demoninator in all your problems, issues, spats, etc.? --- YOU!
You can leave, but you will never get away from --- YOU. Because no matter where YOU go there YOU are.

Anonymous said...

Your blog will be dearly missed. I can tell you half the people at my office go around saying "It's not poshible". I believe you created the very first NL expat meme!

Anonymous said...

It took me much less time to find what the problem is --- YOU!

... and all the rest of the Expats that are desperate to get out of this 3rd world country.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your blog. I am leaving myself, with my beloved Londontown on the horizon from next year....Yeeaahhhhhhh!!!
Best of luck to all the remaining prisoners of Helland.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people get so worked up about living in Holland. Grow up. Try living in some other countries. Try accepting the people whose country it is, the way you expect foreigners to accept you in your country.
All you are showing the world through this rant is how narrow-minded you yourself are.

Anonymous said...

All you are showing the world through this rant is how narrow-minded you yourself are.

Quoted for truth!

Anonymous said...

As an expat I found this blog boring.

Anonymous said...

Can you at least tell me when we say Dooooooooook Oy Oy? I didn't figure out what that is?
Further more, can't you just pretend still living here and continue this blog? That would be great, thanx.

Ben Blench said...

We'll miss you, you cheeky fellow. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for enlighting us and sharing the unique Dutch experiances. If you ever are in a crowded public transportation such as the Amsterdam Trams and the driving conductor in the front asks everybody to move to the rear and 15 seconds later the back ticket conductor asks everybody to move to the know your either back in the Netherlands again or having a nightmare.

Anonymous said...

keep up the blog i have only just been told of it now and it is awesome keep it up ... in the words of some random bloke out of happy gilmour .. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, wherever you go and thanks for those funny entries.
Your blog has always been good for a laugh!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, but not everything you write is true. I think al olot is dependent on your own interpretation. "The eye of the beholder", you know.

And, probably you just met the wrong people here.
Oh is just THE TOURISTS who always make you wait for hours at the ticketservice in the cinema, trainstation etc...not the Dutch, believe me. I have lived here for 35 years.

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anyexpat said...

Thanks for your blog. I am leaving myself, with my beloved Londontown on the horizon from next year....Yeeaahhhhhhh!!!
Best of luck to all the remaining prisoners of Helland.